Blog Sagrada Família

Building Gaudí's dream



The Sagrada Família is a Bible in stone that strives to welcome all visitors and share the message of the Gospel with the world. In line with this founding purpose, this section features the spiritual and symbolic elements that make up the Basilica.

Which fruits are on the side naves of the Sagrada Família?

Which fruits are on the side naves of the Sagrada Família?

 • 5 min. lectura

Dijous passat, 20 de març, vam donar la benvinguda a la primavera, l’època de l’any…

Discovering the portal of the Rosary 
Discovering the portal of the Rosary

Discovering the portal of the Rosary 

 • 6 min. reading

The portal of the Rosary is a small architectural gem that Gaudí left finished...

The magic square on the Passion façade: keys to understanding it 
The magic square on the Passion façade: keys to understanding it

The magic square on the Passion façade: keys to understanding it 

 • 7 min. lectura

While admiring the Passion façade and all ofSubirachs’ sculptural work, more than once...


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