On this day 143 years ago, construction broke ground on the Sagrada Família. It was 19 March, the feast of Saint Joseph, when the cornerstone of the Temple was laid in an event with all the necessary honours featuring the Bishops of Barcelona and Vic, as well as other leaders, as can be seen in this engraving made in 1982 to commemorate the hundredth anniversary.
But why was this day chosen to break ground? The book merchant Josep Maria Bocabella, who was highly devoted to Saint Joseph, founded the Asociación Espiritual de Devotos de San José (Spiritual Association of the Devotees of Saint Joseph) in 1866, and the magazine El Propagador de la Devoción a San José, with the purpose to ask fot Saint Joseph to intercede on behalf of the Church. At the same time, Father Josep Manyanet, defender of the model of the Holy Family, learnt of the initiative Bocabella was promoting and became a member of the association and subscribed to the magazine. But that’s not all, on his travels, he met Bocabella and his family, and the two developed a close relationship. This led Father Manyanet to share with Bocabella his inspiration that a national temple should be built in honour of Saint Joseph and the Holy Family. Unsurprisingly, the idea was heartily welcomed and when Bocabella returned from Loreto in 1871, after visiting Rome to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Holy Father’s pontificate, he went back to Father Manyanet’s idea.
So, on 31 December 1881, Bocabella acquired 12,800 m² of land in the former town of Sant Martí de Provençals, now part of Barcelona’s Eixample district, to build an expiatory temple with the desire to help calm a society riled by the social and economic changes of the late 19th century. This intention is clearly laid out in the founding act of the Temple, which says a church will be built to “awaken sleeping hearts from their tepor. Exalt the faith. Warm charity. Encourage the Lord to take pity on the country (...)."
The project was charged to diocesan architect Francisco de Paula del Villar, who decided to begin the work on a special date for the association: 19 March, the feast day of Saint Joseph.
Since then, there have been several inaugurations, events and celebrations at the Basilica on this date. Below is a timeline with some of the most important ones:
1882 – First stone laid

1885 - Inauguration of the Chapel of Saint Joseph
Three years after the cornerstone was laid, when the works had come under Antoni Gaudí’s leadership, an event was held to celebrate the completion of the central chapel of the crypt, dedicated to Saint Joseph. A solemn mass was held on 19 March, the first in the finished section of the Temple, and people came from the neighbourhood and around Spain, as explained in the report in El Propagador de la devoción de San José, the newsletter published by the association promoting the Temple to share its progress.

1932 - 50th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone
The first 50 years of the Sagrada Família were commemorated on the feast of Saint Joseph in 1932 with a religious service in the crypt. Given the complicated social and economic situation in which donations were scarce and debts were mounting, the Temple took advantage of these celebrations to convince parishioners of the need to pay for the works, as explained in El Propagador.

1957 – Commemoration of 75th anniversary
To celebrate this milestone, a solemn mass was held on the feast of Saint Joseph with religious, political and military leaders, as well as many parishioners and neighbours, as these archive photos show.

1958 – Offering the sculpture of the Nativity in front of the façade
On 19 March 1958, the sculpture by sculptor Jaume Busquets that presides the Nativity façade was put in place. The statue was financed at a fundraising event attended by Banco de Bilbao employees and their families.

1982 – Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone
On 19 March the year of the Basilica’s centenary, a solemn mass was held featuring a performance by Esbart Dansaire Gaudí dance troupe and a parade of Barcelona’s giants. This celebration also featured many other events throughout the year, including the presentation of the sculpture group of the Adoration of the Magi by Joaquim Ros and a series of conferences to raise awareness of the project, among others.

For the 100th anniversary, two stone monoliths with a wrought-iron gas lamp were placed on either side of the gate on the Passion façade, inscribed with the year of the centenary and the year construction of the Basilica began, which can be seen from the street. Although it is a bit hidden, from the corner of Carrer de Mallorca and Carrer de Sardenya, which was the old entrance to the Temple, you can see another, very similar monolith inscribed with 1882 and the papal insignia of the keys and mitre.

2007- 125th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone

The 125th anniversary celebrations began on 19 March 2007 with the inauguration of the night-time illumination of the Passion façade and an exhibition featuring a plan of the Basilica nave on the ground and a tripod with sand simulating the laying of the cornerstone. The celebrations concluded the following year with a solemn mass on the feast of Saint Joseph.
True to the importance of this day for the Sagrada Família, today, on the feast of Saint Joseph, we are relaunching the blog. It is divided into five sections (Works, Gaudí, Community, History and Symbology), with a multimedia space to raise awareness of the Basilica and all its activities, as well as the people who work here or have ties to the construction. Antoni Gaudí’s dream is coming true and, as we are nearing the 100th anniversary of his death, it is heading into the home straight. Join us on this journey through the blog and get swept up in the beauty and significance of this one-of-a-kind Temple.
Molt interessant, a mi tot el que és cultura i saber m’entusiasma. M’ho podeu enviar tot que m’ho llegiré.
Avui estic segur que la noticia que el blog de la Sagrada Família es tornava a fer, ha estat rebuda amb alegria per tothom que estima i viu amb il·lusió l’evolució d’aquesta meravellosa obra de Gaudí. Vull destacar especialment el meu agraïment per la importància de la labor que estan fent, de manera eficient i competent, en cada una de les seves responsabilitats, tots els qui en són responsables, especialment, Josep Maria Turull Garriga, com a rector de la Sagrada Família i Esteve Camps Sala, com a president delegat de la Junta d’obres.
Estic orgullosa de ser de Barcelona i tenir una de les meravelles del món a la meva ciutat.
Jo tinc 73 anys i quan anava a escola he anat a recollir amb una guardiola pels carrers de la Barceloneta demanant per a La Sagrada Família.
He anat 2 o 3 cops quan estava en obres. Ara gairebé acabada no he tingut ocasió d’anar-hi, però tinc moltes ganes de veure-la per dins.
Gràcies a tots els que han treballat per aconseguir un Temple expiatori únic i meravellós.
Una abraçada.
María Jesus
Muy interesante. Gracias por compartir y la facilidad para recordar toda la historia
Maria Àngels Peris Galera
Está muy bien el blog en el que se explica toda la trayectoria de la construcción del templo.
Maria Àngels Peris Galera
M’ha agradat molt el blog on explica tota la història de la maravellosa obra del nostre mundialment conegut Antoni Gaudí.
Tinc moltes ganes de veure-la acabada.
Per a mi el temple és part de la meva vida, els meus pares que vivien tots dos al “poblet”, de nens jugaven a la plaça de la S.F. i veien al mestre GAUDÍ, com sortia del temple després de la seva jornada laboral i algunes vegades els feia moixaines als vailets que jugaven. Es van casar a la S.F. Segueixo les obres des de molt petit i per a mi és un goig veure les obres del temple com van cremant etapes. ENDAVANT.
Perdoneu el meu comentari tan íntim i personal.
Moltes Gràcies
Carlos Alberto belardinelli turre
Gran obra que resalta la figura muy importante de la familia tanto para todos los que profesamos la fe en Jesús, María y Pedro, como también para toda la humanidad. Sólo la familia salvará la humanidad
Gracias por el documentado “blog”,que nos enviáis para documentarnos un poco más sobre nuestra muy querida Sagrada Familia hemos disfrutado mucho Bendiciones 🙏
Vicente Miralles Belda
Una magnífica idea pel coneixement i per estar assabentant de tot el relacionat amb la Basílica de la Sagrada Família
Gina Portella
Muy interesante el artículo , me gustó mucho saber el proceso que ha llevado su construcción, gracias
Santiago Cascante Roy
Muy interesante este primer artículo y en fecha tan señalada, día de San José
Un saludo
Koos Janssen
Very good idea to keep your fans informed again
Cleide Savoia
Encantada en saber que va a volver el Blog, muy informativo en todos los aspectos.
Muchísimas gracias por ello.
Hortensia Delgado del Val
La Sagrada Familia es única, tengo la suerte de verla casi cada día.
Muchas gracias por la información recibida. Soy una admiradora de Gaudí y sus obras. Una buena forma de culturizar a la gente. Gracias, muchas gracias
Desconocía esta información. Me ha resultado muy interesante.
Una belleza inconfundible! No hay palabras para describir tal majestuosidad..! Simplemente Hermoso..!
Es fascinante leer y saber sobre este magnífico y extraordinario lugar!
Siempre es agradecido recibir nuevas de tan monumental genio Antonio Gaudi y su obra inspirada en Dios y la Naturaleza.
Nora Carranza Mangiante
Como Guía Oficial de Catalunya, el blog de Sagrada Familia es una fuente de información de gran utilidad y valor
Muchas gracias por hacer accesibles estos conocimientos
Josep Maria
Excel·lent explicació sobre la cronologia i història del Temple de la Sagrada Família.
M’agradaria molt que m’aneu informant sobre els avenços del conjunt de les obres del Temple.
Moltes gràcies per endavant!!
Joana Bayo Busquets
Sento una gran emoció i orgull quan llegeixo els comentaris dels turistes que visiten el nostre temple. Sempre recordo que quan tenía 12-13 anys a la escola ens van deixar sortir per postular per la Sagrada Familia i recordo que vem aturar un senyor molt gran per demanar-li una moneda. Ell ens va dir “voleu dir que ho veuré acabat jo?” i jo li vaig dir, “i tant”. De vegades penso que potser no ho veuré ni jo! Bé, tinc l’esperança de que així será. Moltes gràcies per la vostra dedicació!
Tilcia Camacho prada
Me encanto saber el porqué tiene gran importancia este día de san José para la Sagrada Familia. Gracias por la información
Robert Van Hulle
Congratulations on restarting your blog and the great work on the basilica. I’ve missed it. I am looking forward to your updates as the building reaches its fantastic completion.
Carmen Sanabria Ayala
Es maravilloso este blog para darnos a conocer la historia de ese imponente monumento de la Sagrada Familia.
Seguiré atenta a este blog y esperaré ansiosa la celebración por el centenario de Antoni Gaudí
Muchas gracias!!!
Montserrat Bracons
Deseo que cuando este terminada tengamos el placer de visitarla .Una clase magistral y muy documentada es necesario divulgar este edificio tan emblematico.
José Martínez ´Quiñonero
Excelente Iniciativa.
Muchas gracias
Josep Martínez ´Quiñonero
Moltes gràcies!
És una gran iniciativa